




本科    200507    同济大学    热能与动力工程
博士    201007    清华大学    动力工程及工程热物理


201007- 201312    清华大学核研院    助理研究员
201312- 201607    清华大学核研院    副研究员
201608- 至今         清华大学核研院    副教授


201208 - 201808    中国颗粒学会    青年理事
201808 – 至今       中国颗粒学会     理事




2018–2021   高温堆中间换热器研发及关键技术验证    国家科技重大专项课题(副组长)
2018–2021   超高温气冷堆核能制氢的安全特性分析    国家科技重大专项课题(研究骨干)
2018–2019   流体边界层内细微颗粒物扬尘机理研究    国家重点实验室开放基金(负责人)
2017 –2020    高温气冷堆串列管系边界层内石墨粉尘关键起尘机理研究    国家自然科学基金面上项目(负责人)
2010–2018   高温堆破口事故下石墨粉尘排放行为研究    国家科技重大专项子课题(负责人)
2014–2016   激波作用下表面气膜与高温主流相互作用传热和流动机理研究    国家自然科学基金青年基金(负责人)
2014–2016   高温气冷堆安全分析中石墨粉尘重悬浮机理研究    清华大学自主科研项目(负责人)
2013–2015   高温气冷堆蒸汽发生器中石墨粉尘沉积特性机理研究    教育部博士点基金(负责人)
2012–2014   高温堆氦风机进口止回阀特性研究    国家科技重大专项子课题(负责人)


2017    教育部技术发明奖    一等奖    高超声速飞行器高温结构主动冷却热防护与热测量技术(姜培学,符泰然,汤龙生,祝银海,彭威,程晓舫)


Qi Sun, Feng Xie, Wei Peng*, Ximing Sun. Graphite dust emission evaluation in an HTGR depressurization accident. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2020, 147: 107664.

Qi Sun, Ping Ye, Wei Peng*, Hongbo Zhou, Suyuan Yu. Pneumatic Vertical Transport Characteristics of the Graphite Pebble in a High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor. Powder Technology, 2020, 371:256-266.

Kaiyuan Wang, Suyuan Yu, Wei Peng*. An analytical solution of the population balance equation for simultaneous Brownian and shear coagulation in the continuum regime. Advanced Powder Technology, 2020, 31: 2128-2135.

Kaiyuan Wang, Suyuan Yu, Wei Peng*. A new method for solving population balance equations using a radial basis function network. Aerosol Science and Technology, 2020, 54(6): 644-655.

Qi Sun, Wei Peng*, Suyuan Yu, Kaiyuan Wang. A review of HTGR graphite dust transport research. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2020, 360, 114077.

Qi Sun, Ping Ye, Wei Peng*, Suyuan Yu, Hongbo Zhou, Jie Wang. Wear of graphite pebble modeled using a macroscopic particle model in pneumatic transport lifting pipe. Powder Technology, 2020, 361: 581-590.

Qingxiang Hu, Kun Yuan, Wei Peng*, Jingdan Cui, Fulei Peng. Numerical investigation to optimize the inlet flow distributor of the intermediate heat exchanger in an HTGR. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2020, 356, 110363.

Kaiyuan Wang, Suyuan Yu, Wei Peng*. Evaluation of thermophoretic effects on graphite dust coagulation in high temperature gas-cooled reactor. Particuology, 2020, 51: 45-52.

Qi Sun, Qunxiang Gao, Ping Zhang, Wei Peng*, Songzhe Chen, Gang Zhao, Jie Wang. Numerical study of heat transfer and sulfuric acid decomposition in the process of hydrogen production. International Journal of Energy Research, 2019, 43: 5969-5982.

Kaiyuan Wang, Suyuan Yu, Yingge Wu, Wei Peng*. Measurements and analysis of adhesive forces for micron particles on common indoor surfaces. Indoor and Built Environment, 2019.

Kaiyuan Wang, Suyuan Yu*, Wei Peng*.  A novel moment method using the log skew normal distribution for particle coagulation. Journal of Aerosol Science, 2019, 134: 95-108.

Kaiyuan Wang, Suyuan Yu, Wei Peng*. Extended log-normal method of moments for solving the population balance equation for Brownian coagulation. Aerosol Science & Technology, 2019, 53(3): 332-343.

Kaiyuan Wang, Wei Peng*, Suyuan Yu*. A new approximation approach for analytically solving the population balance equation due to thermophoretic coagulation. Journal of Aerosol Science, 2019, 128: 125-137.

Wei Peng, Qi Sun, Feng Xie*, Yueyuan Jiang. Simulations of the dust behavior in the sampling filter and dust filter in the primary loop of HTR-10. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2018, 340: 112-121.

Qi Sun, Feng Xie, Gang Zhao, Wei Peng*, Jie Wang, Suyuan Yu. A numerical study on slip correction factor of dust particle in HTGR. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2018, 340: 31-39.

Tao Chen, Gang Zhao, Suyuan Yu, Wei Peng*, Jie Wang. Experimental study of thermophoretic deposition of HTGR graphite particles in a straight pipe. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2018, 107: 136-147.

Qi Sun, Tao Chen, Wei Peng*, Jie Wang, Suyuan Yu. A numerical study of particle deposition in HTGR steam generators. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2018, 332: 70-78.

Qi Sun, Gang Zhao, Wei Peng*, Jie Wang, Yueyuan Jiang, Suyuan Yu. Numerical predictions of the drag coefficients of irregular particles in an HTGR. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2018, 115: 195-208.

Yinhai Zhu, Wei Peng, Ruina Xu, Peixue Jiang*. Review on active thermal protection and its heat transfer for airbreathing hypersonic vehicles. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2018, 31(10): 1929-1953.

Xiaokai Sun, Gang Zhao, Peixue Jiang, Wei Peng*, Jie Wang. Influence of hole geometry on film cooling effectiveness for a constant exit flow area. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 130: 1404-1415.

Wei Peng, Xiaokai Sun, Peixue Jiang*, Jie Wang. Effect of continuous or discrete shock wave generators on supersonic film cooling. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 108: 770-783.

Wei Peng, Tao Chen, Qi Sun, Jie Wang, Suyuan Yu*. Preliminary experiment design of graphite dust emission measurement under accident conditions for HTGR. Nuclear Engineering and design, 2017, 316: 218-227.

Wei Peng, Xiaokai Sun, Peixue Jiang*, Jie Wang. Effect of ribbed and smooth coolant cross-flow channel on film cooling. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2017, 316: 186-197.

Ben Lu, Wei Peng, Peixue Jiang*, Jie Wang, Yangping Wang. Experimental and numerical study of the effect of conjugate heat transfer on film cooling. Experimental Heat Transfer, 2017, 30(4): 355-368.

Tiqian Zhang, Suyuan Yu, Qi Sun, Wei Peng*, Jie Wang. Study on the resuspension of graphite dust based on the Rock'n'Roll model. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2017, 98: 313-320.

Tao Chen, Jie Wang, Wei Peng*. Flow and heat transfer analyses of a plate-fin heat exchanger in an HTGR. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2017, 108: 316-328.

Tiqian Zhang, Suyuan Yu, Wei Peng*, Qi Sun, Yueyuan Jiang, Qian Shi. Resuspension of multilayer graphite dust particles in a high temperature gas-cooled reactor. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2017, 322: 497-503.

Wei Peng?, Tianqi Zhang, Xiaokai Sun, Suyuan Yu?. Thermophoretic and turbulent deposition of graphite dust in HTGR steam generators. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2016, 300:610-619.

Ke Shen, Wei Peng, Bing Liu, Feiyu Kang, Xiaoyong Yang, Weihua Li, Suyuan Yu?. Characterization of graphite dust produced by pneumatic lift. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2016, 305: 104-109.

Wei Peng, Xiaokai Sun, Peixue Jiang?. Effect of coolant inlet conditions on supersonic film cooling. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 2015, 52(5):1456-1464.

Tianqi Zhang, Wei Peng?, Ke Shen, Suyuan Yu?. AFM Measurements of adhesive forces between carbonaceous particles and the substrates. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2015, 293:87-96.

Ke Shen, Jiageng Su, Hongbo Zhou, Wei Peng, Bing Liu, Suyuan Yu?. Abrasion behavior of graphite pebble in lifting pipe of pebble-bed HTR. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2015, 293:395-402.

Wei Peng, Tianqi Zhang, Yanan Zhen, Suyuan Yu?. Graphite dust resuspension in an HTR-10 steam generator. Particuology, 2014, 17:149-157.

Wei Peng, Peixue Jiang?. Effect of shock waves on supersonic film cooling with a slotted wall. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014, 62(1):187-196.

Wei Peng, Tianqi Zhang, Suyuan Yu?,Yanan Zhen. Graphite dust resuspension in a depressurization accident of HTR. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2013, 265:785-790.

Wei Peng?, Yanan Zhen, Xiaoyong Yang, Suyuan Yu. Graphite dust deposition in the HTR-10 steam generator. Particuology, 2013, 11(5): 533-539.

Wei Peng, Peixue Jiang?. Large eddy simulation of film cooling with internal coolant crossflow effects. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2012, 28(1): 160-169.

Wei Peng, Peixue Jiang?. Experimental and numerical study of film cooling with internal coolant cross-flow effects. Experimental Heat Transfer, 2012, 25(4): 282- 300.

Wei Peng, Peixue Jiang?, Yang-Ping Wang, Bing-Yuan Wei. Experimental and numerical investigation of convection heat transfer in channels with different types of ribs. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2011, 31(14-15): 2702-2708.

Wei Peng, Peixue Jiang*. Influence of shock waves on supersonic film cooling.  Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 2009, 46(1): 67-73.

Sun Qi, Hai Xiao, Wang Kaiyuan, Peng Wei*. Study of the deposition of graphite dust in the inlet passageway of intermediate heat exchanger in VHTR. Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow, 2019, 1(1): 29-37.

张天琦,彭威, 于溯源?. HTR-10蒸汽发生器中石墨粉尘重悬浮规律的预测. 核动力工程, 2014, 35(4): 172-176.

彭威,张天琦,甄亚男,于溯源. 高温气冷堆蒸汽发生器中石墨粉尘重悬浮规律研究. 原子能科学技术, 2013, 47(9): 1560-1564.

彭威,甄亚男,杨小勇,叶萍. 高温气冷堆热气导管中石墨粉尘沉积特性分析. 原子能科学技术, 2013, 47(5): 816-821.

彭威, 杨小勇, 于溯源, 王捷. 高温气冷堆氦气主流区中石墨粉尘运动特性初步分析. 核动力工程, 2012, 33(5): 140-144.

彭威, 姜培学. 冷却流通道内流动对气膜冷却影响的大涡模拟研究. 工程热物理学报, 2010, 31(8): 1359-1362.

彭威, 姜培学. 不同主流进口湍流度下的超音速气膜冷却. 工程热物理学报, 2010, 31(1): 127-129.

彭威, 姜培学. 耦合传热和冷却流进口条件对气膜冷却的影响. 工程热物理学报, 2009, 30(10): 1720-1722.

彭威, 姜培学. 直通道和弯曲通道中超声速气膜冷却研究. 航空动力学报, 2008, 23(3): 406-409.

彭威, 姜培学. 变截面主流加速对超音速气膜冷却的影响. 工程热物理学报, 2008, 29(2): 313-316.

彭威, 彭福磊, 赵钢, 王捷. 一种高温堆中间换热器入口流道优化设计测试装置及方法.中国. CN201910902507.9. 2019-9-23.

彭威, 孙琦, 王捷. 一种高温气冷堆石墨粉尘的在线捕集装置. 中国. ZL 201811473206.0. 2018-12-04.

彭威, 于溯源, 杨小勇, 王捷, 甄亚男, 张天琦. 测量高温气冷堆一回路管道中石墨粉尘浓度的装置及方法. 中国. ZL 201310186659.6. 2013-05-20.

彭威, 于溯源, 杨小勇, 王捷, 甄亚男, 张天琦. 模拟高温堆破口事故石墨粉尘排放的装置及排量测试方法. 中国. ZL 201310186508.0. 2013-05-20.

彭威, 于溯源, 杨小勇, 王捷, 甄亚男, 张天琦.  分析高温堆破口事故中石墨粉尘重悬浮规律的装置及方法. 中国. ZL 201310186449.7. 2013-05-20.

彭威, 杨小勇, 孙小凯, 赵钢, 张天琦. 高温高压含尘气流中器件壁面粉尘沉积的测试方法和装置. 中国. ZL 201510522759.0. 2015-08-24.

王捷, 彭威, 杨小勇. 一种具有固有安全性的压水堆发电系统. 专利号:ZL 201310186637.X. 2013-05-20.

张天琦, 彭威, 于溯源. 测量石墨粉尘颗粒起尘的装置和方法. 中国. ZL 201410066596.5. 2014-02-06.

张作义, 王宏, 王捷, 张勤昭, 彭威. 兼具能动与非能动特点的高温气冷堆主氦风机挡板结构. 中国. ZL 201510409138.1. 2015-07-13.

张作义, 王宏, 王捷, 张勤昭, 彭威. 一种新型高温气冷堆主氦风机挡板结构. 中国. ZL201520504843.5. 2015-07-13.

姜培学, 彭威. 自适应抵御激波的超声速气膜冷却装置及其使用方法. 中国. ZL 201611113428.2. 2016-12-06.

姜培学, 彭威. 一种局部发汗冷却抑制激波的超声速气膜冷却装置及其防护方法. 中国.  ZL201611107411.6. 2016-12-06.

姜培学, 彭威. 一种自适应激波作用的超声速气膜冷却结构. 中国. ZL 201611107426.2. 2016-12-06.

姜培学, 彭威. 基于压力敏感漆测量激波增强超声速气膜流体混合的方法. 中国.  ZL 201611152284.1. 2016-12-14.