




学士    200307    清华大学    物理学
博士    200807    清华大学    物理学


200809 - 200905    美国Temple大学物理系    Research Assistant Professor
200906 - 201105    清华大学工程物理系    博士后
201106 – 至今        清华大学核研院    助理研究员、副研究员、副教授


201610 – 至今    中国辐射防护学会    辐射环境监测与评价分会理事




201601 –201912    固体裂变产物吸附沉积行为实验研究    国家自然科学基金
201601 –201706    10MW高温气冷堆一回路放射性粉尘基本问题研究    北京市自然科学基金
201310 –201509    碱金属分子三重激发态超精细结构研究    低维量子物理国家重点实验室


M. Lou; W. Li; T. Ma; F. Xie*, et al.  Monte Carlo Simulation of Activity Concentration Measurement of Primary Coolant of High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Pebble-Bed Modular Reactor  .Annals of Nuclear Energy,   2020,   142 (2020):   107418 (1-11).

S. S. Onishchenko, V. B. Sovkov*, F. Xie* et al.  Analysis of the Hyperfine Structure of the Cs2 33?g+ State  .Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer,   2020,   250 (2020):   107037 (1-9).

X. Liu, W. Peng, L. Wei, M. Lou, F. Xie*, et al.  A Comprehensive Study of the 14C Source Term in the 10 MW High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor  .Radiocarbon,   2019,   61 (5):   1169-1183.

F. Xie, J. Cao, X. Feng*, et al.  Study of Tritium in the Primary Loop of HTR-10: Experiment and Theoretical Calculations  .Progress in Nuclear Energy,   2018,   105:   99-105.

F. Xie, H. Li, X. Liu*, et al.  A Comprehensive Study on Source Terms in Irradiated Graphite Spheres of HTR-10  .Annals of Nuclear Energy,   2018,   122:   352-365.

W. Niu, F. Xie, P. Li*, et al.  Can Water Continuously Oxidize the PuO Molecule? Mechanisms, Topological Analysis and Rate Constant Calculations  .RSC Advances,   2018,   8 (8):   4295-4303.

F. Xie, J. Cao, X. Feng, et al.  Experimental Research on the Radioactive Dust in the Primary Loop of HTR-10  .Nuclear Engineering and Design,   2017,   324:   372-378.
F. Xie, D. Li, Li Li, et al.  Joint Analysis of the Cs2 a3?u+ and 1g (33?1g) States  .Journal of Chemical Physics,   2013,   135 (2):   024303 (1-7).

F. Xie, V. B. Sovkov, A. M. Lyyra*, et al.  Experimental Investigation of the Cs2 a3?u+ Triplet Ground State: Multiparameter Morse Long Range Potential Analysis and Molecular Constants  .Journal of Chemical Physics,   2009,   130 (5):   051102 (1-4).

谢锋,曹建主,包旭寅,等 .  一种过滤收集器  中国,ZL201210556513.1,   2015-01-14.