学士 199002 清华大学 核能与热能利用
博士 199502 清华大学 反应堆工程与安全
199504 – 至今 清华大学核研院 从讲师到教授,现任副总工
200707 – 至今 Nuclear Engineering and Design 编委
200904 – 至今 GIF VHTR SSC 中方代表
201301 – 至今 原子能科学技术 编委
201306 – 至今 北京核学会 副理事长
201507 – 至今 全国核能标准化技术委员会 委员
200501 –200705 20万千瓦级模块式高温气冷堆核电厂标准机型设计与安全分析 核能开发项目
200701 –200912 由芯外监测球床式高温气冷堆堆芯功率分布的方法研究 自然科学基金
201001 –201806 高温气冷堆物理热工规律及系统模拟研究 重大专项
201101 –201412 第四代核能系统国际论坛超高温气冷堆技术合作研究 国际合作专项
201204 –201704 Uncertainty Analysis in HTGR Modelling Physics, Thermal-Hydraulics and Depletion Uncertainty Analysis IAEA CRP
201401 –201712 联立求解高温气冷堆多物理场多尺度多回路问题的方法研究 自然科学基金
201501 –201812 Modular High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactors Safety Design IAEA CRP
201504 –201803 第四代国际论坛框架下超高温气冷堆技术合作 国际合作专项
2003 国家科技进步奖 一等奖 10兆瓦高温气冷实验反应堆
1999 北京市科技进步奖 二等奖 新型重构核反应堆内中子分布的气动球系统
Youying Cheng, Chen Hao, Fu Li, Uncertainty quantification of fuel pebble model and its effect on the uncertainty propagation of nuclear data in pebble bed HTR, Annals of Nuclear Energy, v139 (2020), 107286.
Fan Kai, Li Fu, Zhou Xuhua, Guo Jiong, Improved Harmonics Synthesis Method and its application in reconstructing power distribution of HTR-PM, Nuclear Engineering and Design, v355 (15 December 2019) p110351, p1-10.
Lu Jianan, Guo Jiong, Tomasz Kozlowski, and Li Fu, Coupling Methods for HTR-PM Multicircuit Problem, NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, v193, 2019, p131-146.
Zhou, Xiafeng; Zhong, Changming; Hou, Jie; Li, Fu, A unified space-time fully-transversed general nodal expansion method for multidimensional and multigroup steady and transient nuclear reactor neutronics problems,ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY,2019,v132,p427-441.
Lu Jianan, Guo Jiong, Tomasz Kozlowski, Li Fu, Coupling methods for HTR-PM primary circuit, Annals of Nuclear Energy. v116 (2018), p20–30.
ZHANG Han, GUO Jiong, LU Jianan, LI Fu, XU, Yunlin, T.J.Downar, The improvement of coupling method in TINTE by fully implicit scheme, Nuclear Science and Engineering,190(2), 156-175, 2018.
Zhang Han, Guo Jiong, Li Fu, Xu Yunlin, T.J. Downar, Efficient simultaneous solution of multi-physics multi-scale nonlinear coupled system in HTR reactor based on nonlinear elimination method, Annals of Nuclear Energy, v114 (2018) p301–310.
Hao Chen, Li Fu,Guo Jiong, et.al..Quantitative analysis of uncertainty from pebble flow in HTR.Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2015, 292: 123-132.
ZHOU Xiafeng, GUO Jiong, LI Fu.General Nodal Expansion Method for Multi-dimensional Steady and Transient Convection-Diffusion Equation.Annals of nuclear Energy, 2016, 88: 118-125.
Guo Jiong, Li Fu.The integration of accurate control rod calculation and VSOP.PHYSOR 2014, 2014.
Fu LI, Xuhua ZHOU, et.al..To Determine the Control Rod Position of HTR by the Ex-core Detectors.HTR-2010, 2010.
WANG Deng-ying, LI Fu, et.al. .Improved Nodal Expansion Method for Solving Neutron Diffusion Equation in Cylindrical Geometry.Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2010, 240: 1997-2004.
Zhou Xuhua, Li Fu, Wang Dengying.Application of the discontinuity factor theory to accelerate routine rod worth calculations for modular HTRs.Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2009, 239: 281-288.
Yaqi Wang, Fu Li, Zhengpei Luo, et.al..On-Line Monitoring the incore Power Distribution by Using Ex-Core Ion-Chambers.Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2003, 225: 315-326.
Li Hua, Li Fu.Digital Signal Processing on the Fuel Ball Counting System for HTR-10.Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2003, 222: 139-146.
Li Fu, Yang Zijue, et.al..The first digital protection system in China.Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2002, 218: 215-225.
Li Fu, Luo Zhengpei, et.al..Lambda-modes calculated by the Nodal Green’s Function Method.Kerntechnik, 1999, 64(5-6): 264-268.