
LIU  Malin

Deputy  Head, Division of New Materials, INET
Associate  Professor of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Material


(+86  10) 8979-6092

Education background

PhD, Tsinghua University, Chemical Engineering and Technology, 2009
Visiting Scholar, the Ohio State University, Chemical and Molecular Bioengineering, 2008-2009
B.S., Tsinghua University, Chemical Engineering and Technology, 2004


08/2015-present, Associate Professor, Deputy Director, Division of New Materials, INET
12/2012-08/2015, Associate Professor, Division of New Materials, INET
08/2009-12/2012, Assistant Professor, Division of New Materials, INET

Social service

Advanced Nuclear Fuel and Materials, post-graduate programs of Tsinghua University.

Journal Reviewer
Journal of Nuclear Materials
Powder Technology
Journal of crystal growth
Advanced Science

Service to Professional Associations
Council member, Nuclear materials branch of China Nuclear Society
Youth Council member, Chinese Society of Particuology

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Dr. Liu’s research interests are in the areas of advanced nuclear fuel design, fabrication and evaluation (Before and after irradiation), especially the fluidized bed- chemical vapor deposition technology of coated fuel particles, in the spherical fuel element of HTGR. Now the fuel of next generation nuclear reactor, such as Accident Tolerant Fuel, fuel element of Very High Temperature Reactor, Small Reactor, Space Reactor, are focused on. Also, the simulation technology of nuclear fuel materials properties, fabrication process and performance were investigated as part of his academic research, such as CFD-DEM-PBM coupling method and so on.

Research Status

2017-2021  Ministry of Science and Technology, National S&T Major Project
Study on structure and performance of fuel element under very high temperature

2017-2021  Ministry of Science and Technology, National Key R&D project
Development of performance analysis   model for inert matrix dispersion fuel and its performance evaluation

2017-2021  National Natural Science Foundation of China
Study on nanoparticle   coagulation/coalescence/restructuring mesoscale mechanism and regulation of   nanoparticle in fluidized bed-chemical vapor deposition process

Honors And Awards

First Prize award of Science and Technology, China Nuclear Energy Association, 2019
Tsinghua University Scholarship Award, Tsinghua University, 2018

Young Particuology Scientist Award,Chinese Society of Particuology,2020

Academic Achievement


By October 2020, 108 academic papers have been published, including 54 SCI papers. Five representive papers are:

Liu M*, Liu B, Shao Y. Investigation of fluidization behavior of high density particle in spouted bed using CFD-DEM coupling method, Powder Technology, 280 (2015) 72-82.
Liu M*, Liu B, Shao Y. Scale-up strategy study of coating furnace for TRISO particle fabrication based on numerical simulations, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 357 (2020) 110413.
Liu M*, Chen M, Liu T. et al., CFD-DEM-CVD multi-physical field coupling model for simulating particle coating process in spout bed, Particuology 42 (2019) 67-78.
Liu Y, Liu R, Liu M*, Improved sintering ability of SiC ceramics from SiC@Al2O3 core-shell nanoparticles prepared by a slow precipitation method, Ceramics International, 2019, 45:8032-8036.
Chen M, Liu M*, Li T, et al, A novel mixing index and its application in particle mixing behavior study in multiple-spouted bed, Powder Technology 339 (2018) 167-181.


By October 2020, a total of 45 Chinese patents have been applied and 26 have been approved. One international PCT patent was obtained. Five software copyrights have been applied, and all have been published. Five representive patents are:

1. 201310314765.8    Particle coating equipment and system
2. 201310184761.2    System and method for separating core and coating layer from fuel particles
3. 201310223780.1    Method and device for particle sampling under high-temperature
4. 201310269497.2    Apparatus and method for loading particles
5. 201220457286.2    Quantitative evaporation equipment
Last Updated:2020-10-09